NEW! Regenerative Organic Certified™ Hemp Hearts

10g Protein • 12g Omegas 3 & 6 per serving

Environmental sustainability meets everyday wellness with NEW ROC™ Hemp Hearts from the largest regenerative hemp harvest in the world.

Better for you.
Better for the earth.
Better for the farmers.

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What is Regenerative Farming?

Regenerative agriculture is taking an active role in reversing climate damage and preserving our nutrient-rich foods for generations to come. At Manitoba Harvest, we partner with farmers to restore degraded soil, improve biodiversity, increase carbon capture, and improve their livelihoods.


Pillars of Regenerative Agriculture

  • MAXIMIZING BIODIVERSITY: Biodiversity is critical for soil health. Most of our partners include 3 or more crops in a 3-year rotation.

  • LIVING ROOTS: Living roots help to prevent soil erosion. Many of our farming partners have cover crops or perennials in their rotation.

  • MINIMIZING SOIL DISTURBANCE: Our partners seek to minimize tillage and reduce or eliminate pesticides.

  • FARMER LIVELIHOODS: For 25 years, we've provided agronomy training and mentorship for local farmers.
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Hemp Can Help

Our move to cultivate the largest Regenerative Organic Certified™ (ROC™) hemp harvest in the world was inspired by the hemp plant itself. Hemp is a carbon sequestering plant: it absorbs roughly 1.63 tons of CO2 for every ton of hemp grown.

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