Hemp Hearts: The Perfect Fall Food (with Recipe!)

Post courtesy of Goodness Me.

As soon as the weather turns cold and fall rolls around we all turn to comfort foods to warm us up. Give your favourite fall foods a powerhouse boost by adding in some Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts. They’re the perfect fall food for so many reasons – here are five of them!

1. They’re a Plant-Based Protein
Hemp Hearts are a plant-based protein, packed with 10 grams in every three tablespoons. They’re perfect for adding to soups, stews, and other fall dishes instead of meat.

2. Awesome After-Workout Fuel
After you go for that crisp fall morning run or take that spin class, it’s important to get enough protein in your diet. Protein is used by the body knit muscle tissue back together, helping them recover and strengthening them. Throw some Hemp Hearts in your post-workout smoothie and refuel for the day!

3. Superfood Snacks
Add Hemp Hearts to your snacks for protein, omegas, and a delicious nutty taste! Since Hemp Hearts can be eaten right from the bag, just sprinkle them on your snack of choice, our favourite is apple slices dipped in peanut butter.

4. Get those Omegas
Did you know that Hemp Hearts contain 10 grams of Omegas 3 and 6 in every three tablespoons? Adding them to your breakfast, lunch and dinner is a great way to get essential fatty acids in your diet!

5. Many. Fall. Foods.
Hemp Hearts are incredibly versatile which makes them the perfect fall food! Adding Hemp Hearts to your meals provides not just nutritional boosts, but also amazing flavour! Hemp Hearts add a delicious nutty taste that accommodates so many mains, sides, and desserts.

Here’s a recipe for a delicious energy bar made with wholesome ingredients like Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts!

Energy Bars with Coconut, Hemp Hearts, and Cranberries

  • ½ cup sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup sesame seeds
  • ½ cup Hemp Hearts
  • ½ cup shredded coconut
  • ½ cup dark cocoa powder
  • ½ cup honey
  • ½ cup dried cranberries
  • ½ cup almond butter or sunflower butter
  • 1/3 cup melted cacao butter
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup Manitoba Harvest HempPro 70

Place ingredients in bowl of food processor and blend until combined. Press mixture into a parchment-lined 9x9 baking dish (mixture will be very soft). Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Remove parchment paper from pan, peel it back and cut into bars (or squares) of desired size. Wrap each bar individually and place in fridge so that you can grab them on-the-go.